Singable Settings of Music for Mass - Psalms and Acclamations

by Kate Keefe

Let the people praise you, O God; let all the people praise you

Look no further for singable settings of the Mass, Responsorial Psalms and Responses, Alleluias and Lent Gospel Acclamations week by week round the Three Year Cycle of the Catholic Lectionary.

Psalm 102/103 and Acclamations for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C,

What does it mean when we talk about "Ordinary Time"? You can explore further on Kate's blog about Psalms, Alleluias and Church music, or you can read Kate's latest news on Facebook. Kate also writes for The Tablet - see her most recent article on Gifts, Candlemas and the Magi.

NB the psalms for England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland are from the familiar Lectionary, not the New Lectionary being introduced in England, Wales and Scotland (but not Ireland) from the 1st Sunday of Advent 2024. We are working on making the new versions available. Please get in touch if you are looking for a particular psalm.

Hear the music

Would you like to know what Kate's psalms sound like? Here are some examples, and you can hear more sung by our friends at Churches in different countries,

Finding the music you are looking for

To help you plan your liturgy, we have music for UK and Ireland, United States and Philippines, Australia and New Zealand and Canadian Catholic congregations. We are glad to hear that congregations in other traditions also find the music useful. We also have all the Psalms for weddings from the Lectionaries for the UK and the United States. Everything is available for free download in pdf format to support singing the Mass in your church, and you can hear an electronic approximation as well - we don't usually have recordings, because this is music for for you to perform and bring alive. If you are looking for a particular psalm or acclamation, you can use the lists below to find it.

Responsorial Psalms

Have you ever wondered what makes a good Psalm response?

Gospel Acclamations and Alleluias

Would you like to know more about music for the word Alleluia, or how Kate sets the verse?

Responsorial Psalms and Acclamations for Holy Week and Easter

Read Kate's Gentle Guides to her music for Palm Sunday, and Holy Week and Easter.

Responsorial Psalms and Acclamations for the Twelve Days of Christmas

Read Kate's Gentle Guide to her Christmas music.

Music round the Church's 3-year Cycle

Music for Feasts of Our Lady

Read what Kate writes about Mary Feasts and women's voices, and about the Magnificat.

Music for Mass by Kate Keefe

A true sense of the Catholic rhythm of Church music

Interesting fresh settings..... not boring.... always sneak in a little challenge each week


Copyright 2022 Kate Keefe. All Rights Reserved. | | @singenbingen