Music for Next Sunday and Lent Year C

Psalms and Acclamations for Lent Year A, UK and Ireland Lectionary

by Kate Keefe

Let the people praise you, O God; let all the people praise you

Here are my singable settings of the Psalms, Responses and Gospel Acclamations for Lent Year A, in downloadable PDF and playable MP3 formats, from the lectionary for UK and Ireland Catholic congregations. Read about Lent Year A and the theme of Penitence.

The Roman numerals I,II,III,IV after each Acclamation title indicate which of the various Lent Gospel Acclamation refrains is used. You can read more about using the Acclamations, with an update here.

Read what Kate writes about this week's music or explore our music for UK and Ireland. We also have settings for Australia and New Zealand, for Canada and for the United States and Philippines

Music for Ash Wednesday,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations Ash Wednesday - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 50 Ash Wednesday Listen to Psalm 50 Ash Wednesday
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 50 Ash Wednesday Compact
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 50 Ash Wednesday Lead
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 50 Ash Wednesday Alt Listen to Psalm 50 Ash Wednesday Alt
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 50 Ash Wednesday Alt Compact
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 50 Ash Wednesday Alt Lead
Acclamation (UK/IRE)Harden not your hearts I Listen to Harden not your hearts I
Acclamation (UK/IRE)A pure heart I Listen to A pure heart I

Music for First Sunday of Lent Year A,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations 1st Sunday - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 50 1st Sunday Lent A Listen to Psalm 50 Ash Wednesday
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 50 1st Sunday Lent A Compact
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 50 1st Sunday Lent A Lead
Psalm (UK/IRE)PPsalm 50 1st Sunday Lent A Alt Listen to Psalm 50 Ash Wednesday Alt
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 50 1st Sunday Lent A Alt Compact
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 50 1st Sunday Lent A Lead
Acclamation (UK/IRE)Man does not live on bread alone I Listen to Man does not live I

Music for the Feast of St David (Wales),

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations St David - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 1 St David Listen to Psalm 1 St David
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 1 St David Compact
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 1 St David Lead
Acclamation (UK/IRE)If you make my word your home Listen to If you make my word your home

Read what Kate writes about Spring Saints and their psalms

Music for Second Sunday of Lent Year A,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations 2nd Sunday - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 32 2 Lent A Listen to Psalm 32 2 Lent A
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 32 2 Lent A Compact
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 32 2 Lent A Lead
Acclamation (UK/IRE)From the bright cloud I Listen to From the bright cloud I
Acclamation (UK/IRE)From the bright cloud III Listen to From the bright cloud III

Music for Third Sunday of Lent Year A,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations 3rd Sunday - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 94 3rd Lent A Listen to Psalm 94 3rd Lent A
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 94 3rd Lent A Compact
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 94 3 Lent A Lead
Acclamation (UK/IRE)Lord you are really I Listen to Lord you are really I
Acclamation (UK/IRE)Lord you are really II Listen to Lord you are really II

Read about waiting, hoping and trusting in the Psalms, or about the significance of water.

Music for the Feast of St Patrick,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations St Patrick - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (IRE)Psalm 115 St Patrick Listen to Psalm 115 St Patrick
Psalm (IRE)Psalm 115 St Patrick Compact
Psalm (IRE)Psalm 115 St Patrick Lead
Acclamation (IRE)Accept and submit II Listen to Accept and submit II
Psalm (UK)Psalm 116 St Patrick Listen to Psalm 116 St Patrick
Acclamation (UK)The Lord sent me to bring good news II Listen to The Lord sent me to bring good news II
Acclamation (UK)The Lord sent me to bring good news IV Listen to The Lord sent me to bring good news IV

Read what Kate writes about Psalms for St Patrick.

Music for Fourth Sunday of Lent Year A,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations 4th Sunday - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 22 4 Lent A Listen to Psalm 22 4 Lent A
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 22 4 Lent A 4 Lent A Compact
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 22 4 Lent A Lead
Acclamation (UK/IRE)I am the Light of the world I Listen to I am the Light of the world I
Acclamation (UK/IRE)I am the Light of the world II Listen to I am the Light of the world II

Ever wondered why there are so many versions of "The Lord is my Shepherd"? Or why we are sheep anyway?

Music for the Feast of St Joseph,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations St Joseph - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 88 St Joseph Listen to Psalm 88 St Joseph
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 88 St Joseph Lead
Acclamation (UK/IRE)They are happy III Listen to They are happy III
Acclamation (UK/IRE)They are happy IIIa Listen to They are happy IIIa

Read what Kate writes about Spring Saints and their psalms

Music for the Feast of the Annunciation,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations Annunciation - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 39 Annunciation Listen to Psalm 39 Annunciation
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 39 Annunciation Compact
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 39 Annunciation Lead
Acclamation (UK/IRE)The Word was made flesh I Listen to The Word was made flesh I

Why do we celebrate the Annunciation?

Music for Fifth Sunday of Lent Year A,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 129 5 Lent A Listen to Psalm 129 5 Lent A
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 129 5 Lent A Compact
Psalm (UK/IRE)Psalm 129 5 Lent A Lead
Acclamation (UK/IRE)I am the resurrection I Listen to I am the resurrection I
Acclamation (UK/IRE)I am the resurrection III Listen to I am the resurrection III

See the music for Holy Week and Easter.

Copyright 2018 Kate Keefe. All Rights Reserved. |