Music for Next Sunday

Mayfield Mass - Singable Settings

by Kate Keefe

Let the people praise you, O God; let all the people praise you

The Mayfield Mass is a setting I wrote for the new Mass texts when they came in. It is published with the Approval of the Department for Christian Life and Worship of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. It is used in Churches all over the world. You can also read my blog about the New Lectionary.

Ordinary of the Mass

PDFs and MP3s - Mayfield Mass
Sheet MusicSound
Penitential Act B (Have mercy on us O Lord) Listen to Penitential Act B (Have mercy on us O Lord)
Penitential Act C (You were sent to heal the contrite of heart) Listen to Penitential Act C (You were sent to heal the contrite of heart)
Kyrie (Lord Have Mercy) Listen to Kyrie (Lord Have Mercy)
Mayfield Gloria (Glory to God in the highest) Listen to Mayfield Gloria (Glory to God in the highest)
Gloria Voice
Gloria Clarinet
Gloria Recorder
Gloria Lead Sheet*
Preface Dialogue (Lift up your hearts) Listen to Preface Dialogue (Lift up your hearts)
Sanctus (Holy, Holy) Listen to Sanctus (Holy, Holy)
Memorial Acclamation 1* (We proclaim your death O Lord) Listen to Memorial Acclamation 1
Memorial Acclamation 2* (When we eat this bread and drink this cup) Listen to Memorial Acclamation 2
Memorial Acclamation 3* (Save us, Saviour of the world) Listen to Memorial Acclamation 3
Great Amen* Listen to Great Amen
Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) Listen to Agnus Dei (Lamb of God)
Kyrie, Sanctus and Agnus Dei Voice
Kyrie etc Recorder
Kyrie etc Clarinet
Kyrie, Sanctus and Agnus Dei Lead Sheet*

* = with guitar chords. The recorder parts are labelled as for alto recorder. In practice we find the Kyrie and Agnus Dei work best with a bass recorder; and the Sanctus with an alto. But it is up to you what instruments you use.

Other Prayers and Canticles

PDFs and MP3s - Prayers
Sheet MusicSound
Our Father Listen to Our Father
Lord I am not worthy Listen to Lord I am not worthy
Nunc Dimittis (Song of Simeon) Listen to the Nunc Dimittis (Song of Simeon)
Psalm-based Stations of the Cross
Advent Meditation - Three Women Waiting

More about the Mayfield Mass

This is a setting of the new translation of the Mass, which came in from 2011. There is only one English version of the words of the Mass for Catholic congregations all over the world. I have written settings for all the parts of the Mass which are recommended to be sung, and also given the notes for the Missal chants to lead up to them, if the priest prefers to use the Missal chants instead of the music here. So this means we have Penitential Acts B and C (A is the Confiteor), a simple Kyrie (Lord, have mercy), the Mayfield Gloria (which was the first part of this Mass to be written), the Preface Dialogue, the Sanctus, three possible Memorial Acclamations, the Great Amen and the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God).

The settings are written for voice, keyboard and (usually) recorder, but you are welcome to find other combinations that work - we know of one church using a saxophone to good effect. For those who want them, there are separate lead sheets with guitar chords for Kyrie, Sanctus, Mayfield Gloria and Agnus Dei, and also sheets with the melody for Bflat Clarinet. For the shorter parts of the Mass, we have added the guitar chords to the standard sheet music. We have also included the people's parts set out so that you can download them with the Gloria on one side of an A4 sheet, and the other main parts on the other side. You are welcome to download the PDFs and MP3s free for use in your local church. We are always glad to receive feedback.

Read what Kate writes about this week's music or explore her Music for Mass Blog.

The Mayfield Mass
"Its simplicity, its richness, its ability to bring the parts of the mass into an accessible form that people at home can quickly learn to love and sing themselves, and it's practicality ... far surpasses anything else I've found. Unlike so many other masses it is not exclusive to voice/piano or voice/guitar but can switch fluidly from one to the other, it's wonderful."

The Mayfield Mass
A fine piece of work

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