Music for Next Sunday

Music for 1st to 8th Sundays in Ordinary Time Year C, US and Philippines Lectionary

by Kate Keefe

Let the people praise you, O God; let all the people praise you

Here are my singable settings of Psalms, Responses, Alleluias and Gospel Acclamations for First to Eighth Sundays in Ordinary Time Year C, in downloadable PDF and playable MP3 formats, from the Lectionary for US and Philippines Catholic congregations.

What does it mean when we talk about "Ordinary Time"? Read more on Kate's blog about the Psalms or see what Kate writes about this week's music.

You can explore more of our music for the US and Philippines. We also have settings for the UK and Ireland, for Canada and for for Australia and New Zealand.

Music for the Feast of the Holy Family, Year C,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations Holy Family - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 84 Holy Family C - please ask Listen to Psalm 84 Holy Family
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 84 Holy Family Compact
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 84 Holy Family Lead
Acclamation (US/PHL)Open our hearts O Lord US Listen to Open our hearts O Lord

You can also use the music for the Feast of the Holy Family Year A if that is more convenient.

Music for the Baptism of Our Lord,

(You can also use the music for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Year A if that is more convenient.)
Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations Baptism - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 104 Baptism of the Lord C Listen to Psalm 104 Baptism of the Lord C
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 104 Baptism of the Lord C Compact
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 104 Baptism of the Lord C Lead
Acclamation (US/PHL)John said one mightier I Listen to John said one mightier I
Acclamation (US/PHL)John said one mightier S Listen to John said one mightier S

Why is setting Psalm 104 a challenge?

Music for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations 2nd Sunday - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 96 2nd Sunday C Listen to Psalm 96 2nd Sunday C
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 96 2nd Sunday C Compact
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 96 2nd Sunday C Lead
Acclamation (US/PHL)God has called us through the Gospel Listen to God has called us through the Gospel

Music for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations 3rd Sunday - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 19 3rd Sunday C Listen to Psalm 19 3rd Sunday C
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 19 3rd Sunday C Compact
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 19 3rd Sunday C Lead
Acclamation(US/PHL)The Lord sent me I Listen to The Lord Sent me I

Music for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C,

Replaced by the Feast of the Presentation in 2025

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations 4th Sunday - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 71 4th Sunday C Listen to Psalm 71 4th Sunday C
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 71 4th Sunday C Compact
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 71 4th Sunday C Lead
Acclamation(US/PHL)The Lord sent me II Listen to The Lord Sent me II

Music for the Feast of the Presentation (Candlemas),

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations Presentation- PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 24 Presentation Listen to Psalm 24 Presentation
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 24 Presentation Lead
Acclamation (US/PHL)A light of revelation A light of revelation
Acclamation(US/PHL)A light Recorder/Horn

Do you know why this Feast is called Candlemas? Read what Kate writes about Gifts, Candlemas and the Magi.

Music for Thursday 4th Week of Ordinary Time Year II,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations Thursday 4th Wk II - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (US/PHL)Chronicles Canticle Thursday 4th Week II - please ask Listen to Chronicles Canticle Thursday 4th Week
Psalm (US/PHL)Chronicles Canticle Thursday 4th Week II Compact

Music for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations 5th Sunday - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 138 5th Sunday C Listen to Psalm 138 5th Sunday C
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 138 5th Sunday C Compact
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 138 5th Sunday C Lead
Acclamation(US/PHL)Come after me Listen to Come after me

Music for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations 6th Sunday - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 1 6th Sunday C Listen to Psalm 1 6th Sunday C
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 1 6th Sunday C Compact
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 1 6th Sunday C Lead
Acclamation (US/PHL)Rejoice and be glad Listen to Rejoice and be glad

Music for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations 7th Sunday - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 103 7th Sunday C Listen to Psalm 103 7th Sunday C
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 103 7th Sunday C Compact
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 103 7th Sunday C Lead
Acclamation (US/PHL)I give you a new commandment Listen to I give you a new commandment

Music for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C,

Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations 8th Sunday - PDFs and MP3s
TextSheet MusicSound
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 92 8th Sunday C Listen to Psalm 92 8th Sunday C
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 92 8th Sunday C Compact
Psalm (US/PHL)Psalm 92 8th Sunday C Lead
Acclamation(US/PHL)Shine like lights Listen to Shine like lights

Would you like to know more about Trees in the Psalms?

Copyright 2019 Kate Keefe. All Rights Reserved. |