Music for Next Sunday

Responsorial Psalms and Canticles for US and Philippines Lectionary

by Kate Keefe

Let the people praise you, O God; let all the people praise you

What is available

Here are my singable settings of the Psalms, Responses and Canticles from the Lectionary for use in US and Philippines Catholic churches. We have psalms for the full 3-Year Cycle of Sundays, as well as the major feasts. At the moment I am not able to put all the scores on line, but you will always find this week's psalm below or through our home page. You can listen to all the available psalms as MP3s without the words, and ask for the full sheet music with words - we will gladly send it. We also have settings of a few Weekday Psalms and of the Gospel Acclamations

A lot goes in to setting a psalm. For example, what makes a good psalm response? Or what comes first, rhythm or melody? And where does the Psalmist's confidence come from? You can read about many other fascinating questions on Kate's blog about the Psalms or see what Kate writes about this week's music.

You can also explore our music for the US and Philippines, and compare the US settings with my UK and Ireland settings and those for Australian and New Zealand and Canadian Congregations.

Music for the Responsorial Psalms

PDFs and MP3s
Sheet MusicResponseSound
Psalm 1 6th Sunday C - please ask Blessed are they who hope in the LordListen to Psalm 1 6th Sunday C
Psalm 4 Easter 3 B - please ask Lord let your face shine on usListen to Psalm 4 Easter 3 B
Psalm 8 Trinity C - please ask O Lord our god how wonderful your nameListen to Psalm 8 Trinity C
Psalm 13 Birthday of Our Lady - please ask With delight I rejoice in the LordListen to Psalm 13 Birthday of Our Lady
Psalm 15 22nd Sunday B - please ask The one who does justice will live in the presence of the LordListen to Psalm 15 22nd Sunday B
Psalm 15 16th Sunday C - please ask He who does justice will live in the presence of the LordListen to Psalm 15 16th Sunday C
Psalm 16 33rd Sunday B/Easter Vigil II - please ask You are my inheritance O LordListen to Psalm 16 33rd Sunday B/Easter Vigil II
Psalm 16 13th Sunday C - please ask You are my inheritance O LordListen to Psalm 16 13th Sunday C
Psalm 16 3rd Easter A - please ask Lord you will show us the path of lifeListen to Psalm 16 3rd Sunday Easter A
Psalm 17 32nd Sunday C - please ask Lord when your glory appears my joy will be fullListen to Psalm 17 32nd Sunday C
Psalm 18 31st Sunday B/30th A - please ask I love you Lord my strengthListen to Psalm 18 31st Sunday B/30th A
Psalm 19 26th Sunday B - please ask The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heartListen to Psalm 19 26th Sunday B
Psalm 19 3rd Sunday C - please ask Your words Lord are spirit and lifeListen to Psalm 19 3rd Sunday C
Psalm 19 3 Lent B/Easter Vigil VI/Pentecost Vigil - please ask Lord you have the words of everlasting lifeListen to Psalm 19 3 Lent B/Easter Vigil VI/Pentecost Vigil
Psalm 19 15th Sunday C - please ask Your words Lord are spirit and lifeListen to Psalm 19 15th Sunday C
Psalm 19 St Peter and Paul Vigil - please ask Their message goes out through all the earthListen to Psalm 19 St Peter and Paul Vigil - please ask
Psalm 19 Andrew I - please ask Your words Lord are spirit and lifeListen to Psalm 19 St Andrew I
Psalm 19 St Andrew II - please ask The judgments of the Lord are just and all of them are trueListen to Psalm 19 St Andrew II
Psalm 22 Palm Sunday - please ask My God my God why have you abandoned meListen to Psalm 22 Palm Sunday
Psalm 22 Easter 5 B - please ask I will praise you Lord in the assembly of your peopleListen to Psalm 22 Easter 5 B
Psalm 23 28th Sunday A - please ask I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my lifeListen to Psalm 23 28th Sunday A
Psalm 23 16th B/All Souls/4 Lent A/4 Easter A The Lord is my shepherdListen to Psalm 23 16 B/All Souls/4 Lent A/4 Easter A
Psalm 23 All Souls Alt - please ask Though I walk in the valley of darknessListen to Psalm 23 All Souls Alt
Psalm 23 Christ the King A - please ask The Lord is my shepherd there is nothing I shall wantListen to Psalm 23 Christ the King A
Psalm 24 All Saints - please ask Lord this is the people that longs to see your faceListen to Psalm 24 All Saints
Psalm 24 4th Advent A - please ask Let the Lord enter he is king of gloryListen to Psalm 24 4th Advent A
Psalm 24 Presentation - please ask Who is this king of glory?Listen to Psalm 24 Presentation
Psalm 25 Lent 1 B - please ask Your ways O Lord are love and truthListen to Psalm 25 1 Lent B
Psalm 25 1st Advent C To you O Lord I lift my soulListen to Psalm 25 1st Advent C
Psalm 25 All Souls - please ask To you O Lord I lift my soulListen to Psalm 25 All Souls
Psalm 25 All Souls Alt - please ask No one who waits for you O Lord will ever be put to shameListen to Psalm 25 All Souls Alt
Psalm 25 26th Sunday A - please ask Remember your mercies O LordListen to Psalm 25 26th Sunday A
Psalm 25 3rd Sunday B - please ask Teach me your ways O LordListen to Psalm 25 3rd Sunday B
Psalm 27 All Souls - please ask The Lord is my light and my salvationListen to Psalm 27 All Souls - please ask
Psalm 27 All Souls Alt - please ask I believe that I shall see the good things of the LordListen to Psalm 27 All Souls Alt
Psalm 27 3rd Sunday A - please ask The Lord is my light and my salvationListen to Psalm 27 3rd Sunday A
Psalm 27 7th Easter A - please ask I believe that I shall the good things of the LordListen to Psalm 27 7th Easter A
Psalm 27 2nd Lent C - please ask The Lord is my light and my salvationListen to Psalm 27 2nd Lent C
Psalm 29 Baptism of the Lord A - please ask The Lord will bless his people with peaceListen to Psalm 29 Baptism of the Lord A
Psalm 30 13 B/10 C/Easter Vigil IV/Easter 3 C - please ask I will praise you Lord you have rescued meListen to Psalm 30 13th B/10th C/Easter Vigil IV/Easter 3 C
Psalm 31 Good Friday - please ask Father into your hands I commend my spiritListen to Psalm 31 Good Friday
Psalm 32 6th Sunday B - please ask I turn to you Lord in time of troubleListen to Psalm 32 6th Sunday B
Psalm 32 11th Sunday C - please ask Lord forgive the wrong I have doneListen to Psalm 32 11th Sunday C
Psalm 33 Trinity B - please ask Blessed the people the Lord has chosen as his ownListen to Psalm 33 Trinity B
Psalm 33 29th B/2nd Lent A - please ask Lord let your mercy be on us as we place our trust in youListen to Psalm 33 29th B/2nd Lent A
Psalm 33 Easter Vigil I - please ask The earth is full of the goodness of the LordListen to Psalm 33 Easter Vigil I
Psalm 33 19th Sunday C - please ask Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his ownListen to Psalm 33 19th Sunday C
Psalm 33 5th Easter A - please ask Let all the earth cry out to God with joyListen to Psalm 33 5th Easter A
Psalm 33 Wedding The earth is full of the goodness of the LordListen to Psalm 33 Wedding
Psalm 33 Pentecost Vigil - please ask The Lord brings to nought the plans of the nationsListen to Psalm 33 Pentecost Vigil
Psalm 34 19th Sunday B - please ask Taste and see the goodness of the LordListen to Psalm 34 19th Sunday B
Psalm 34 20th B - please ask Taste and see the goodness of the LordListen to Psalm 34 20th Sunday B
Psalm 34 21st Sunday B - please ask Taste and see the goodness of the LordListen to Psalm 34 21st Sunday B
Psalm 34 4th Lent C - please ask Taste and see the goodness of the LordListen to Psalm 34 4th Lent C
Psalm 34 St Peter and Paul - please ask The angel of the Lord will rescue those who fear himListen to Psalm 34 St Peter and Paul
Psalm 34 30th Sunday C - please ask The Lord hears the cry of the poorListen to Psalm 34 30th Sunday C
Psalm 34 Wedding I Taste and see the goodness of the LordListen to Psalm 34 Wedding I
Psalm 34 Wedding II I will bless the Lord at all timesListen to Psalm 34 Wedding II
Psalm 40 2nd Sunday A/B - please ask Here I am Lord I come to do your willListen to Psalm 40 2nd Sunday A/B
Psalm 40 20th Sunday C - please ask Lord come to my aidListen to Psalm 40 20th Sunday C
Psalm 40 Annunciation - please ask Here I am Lord I come to do your willListen to Psalm 40 Annunciation
Psalm 41 7th Sunday B - Please ask Lord heal my soul for I have sinned against youListen to Psalm 41
Psalm 42 Easter Vigil VII - please ask Like a deer that longs for running streamsListen to Psalm 42 Easter Vigil VII
Psalm 45 Assumption - please ask The queen stands at your right arrayed in goldListen to Psalm 45 Assumption
Psalm 46 Dedication Lateran Basilica - please ask The waters of the river gladden the city of GodListen to Psalm 46 Dedication Lateran Basilica
Psalm 47 Ascension - please ask God mounts his throne to shouts of joyListen to Psalm 47 Ascension
Psalm 51 Ash Wednesday/1 Lent A Be merciful O Lord for we have sinnedListen to Psalm 51 Ash Wednesday/1 Lent A
Psalm 51 Ash Wednesday/1 Lent A Alt Be merciful O Lord for we have sinnedListen to Psalm 51 Ash Wednesday/1 Lent A Alt
Psalm 51 Lent 5 B Create a clean heart in me O GodListen to Psalm 51 5 Lent B - please ask
Psalm 51 Easter Vigil VII - please ask Create a clean heart in me O GodListen to Psalm 51 Easter Vigil VII - please ask
Psalm 51 24th Sunday C - please ask I will rise and go to my fatherListen to Psalm 51 24th Sunday C
Psalm 54 25th Sunday B - please ask The Lord upholds my lifeListen to Psalm 54 25th Sunday B
Psalm 62 8th Sunday A - please ask Rest in God alone my soulListen to Psalm 62 8th Sunday A
Psalm 63 12th Sunday C/22 A - please ask My soul is thirsting for you O Lord my GodListen to Psalm 63 12th Sunday C/22 A
Psalm 63 32nd Sunday A - please ask My soul is thirsting for you O Lord my GodListen to Psalm 63 32nd Sunday A
Psalm 65 15th Sunday A - please ask The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvestListen to Psalm 65 15th Sunday A
Psalm 66 14th Sunday C - please ask Let all the earth cry to God with joyListen to Psalm 66 14th Sunday C
Psalm 66 6th Easter A Let all the earth cry out to God with joyListen to Psalm 66 6th Easter A
Psalm 67 Mary Mother of God - please ask May God bless us in his mercyListen to Psalm 67 Mary Mother of God
Psalm 67 6 Easter C/20 A - please ask O God let all the nations praise youListen to Psalm 67 6 Easter C/20 A
Psalm 68 22nd Sunday C - please as; God in your goodness you have made a home for the poorListen to Psalm 68 22nd Sunday C
Psalm 69 15th Sunday C - please ask Turn to the Lord in your need and you will liveListen to Psalm 69 15th Sunday C
Psalm 69 12th Sunday A - please ask Lord in your great love answer meListen to Psalm 69 12th Sunday A
Psalm 71 4th Sunday C - please ask I will sing of your salvationListen to Psalm 71 4th Sunday C
Psalm 71 John Baptist Vigil - please ask Since my mother's womb you have been my strengthListen to Psalm 71 John Baptist Vigil
Psalm 72 Epiphany - please ask Lord every nation on earth will adore youListen to Psalm 72 Epiphany
Psalm 72 2nd Advent A - please ask Justice shall flourish in his timeListen to Psalm 72 2nd Advent A
Psalm 78 18th Sunday B The Lord gave them bread from heavenListen to Psalm 78 18th Sunday B
Psalm 78 Exaltation - please ask Do not forget the works of the LordListen to Psalm 78 Exaltation
Psalm 80 Advent 4th C/1st B Lord make us turn to youListen to Psalm 80 Advent 4th C/1st B
Psalm 80 27th Sunday A - please ask The vineyard of the Lord is the house of IsraelListen to Psalm 80 27th Sunday A
Psalm 84 Holy Family C - please ask Blessed are they who dwell in your houseListen to Psalm 84 Holy Family C
Psalm 85 2 Advent B - please asl Lord let us see your kindness and grant us your salvationListen to Psalm 85 2 Advent B
Psalm 85 15th Sunday B/19th A - please ask Lord let us see your kindnessListen to Psalm 85 15th Sunday B/19th A
Psalm 86 16th Sunday A - please ask Lord you are good and forgivingListen to Psalm 86 16th Sunday A
Psalm 88 Guardian Angels - please ask Let my prayer come before you LordListen to Psalm 88 Guardian Angels
Psalm 89 4 Advent B - please ask For ever I will sing the goodness of the LordListen to Psalm 89 4 Advent B
Psalm 89 Christmas Vigil - please ask For ever I will sing the goodness of the LordListen to Psalm 89 Christmas Vigil
Psalm 89 St Joseph - please ask The son of David will live for everListen to Psalm 89 St Joseph
Psalm 89 Chrism Mass - please ask For ever I will sing the goodness of the LordListen to Psalm 89 Chrism Mass - please ask
Psalm 89 13th Sunday A - please ask For ever I will sing the goodness of the LordListen to Psalm 89 13th Sunday A
Psalm 90 28th Sunday - please ask Fill us with your love O Lord and we wil sing for joyListen to Psalm 90 28th Sunday B
Psalm 90 18th Sunday C - please ask If today you hear his voice harden not your heartsListen to Psalm 90 18th Sunday C
Psalm 90 23rd Sunday C - please ask In every age O Lord you have been our refugeListen to Psalm 90 23rd Sunday C
Psalm 90 St Joseph the Worker - please ask Before the mountains were begottenListen to Psalm 90 St Joseph the Worker
Psalm 91 1st Lent C - please ask Be with me Lord when I am in troubleListen to Psalm 91 1st Lent C
Psalm 91 Guardian Angels - please ask The Lord has put his angels in charge of youListen to Psalm 91 Guardian Angels
Psalm 92 11th B/8th C - please ask Lord it is good to give thanks to youListen to Psalm 92 11th B/8th C
Psalm 93 34th Sunday B - please ask The Lord is kingListen to Psalm 93 34th Sunday Christ the King B
Psalm 95 27th Sunday C/23 A/4 B/3 Lent A If today you hear his voice harden not your hearsListen to Psalm 95 27th Sunday C/23 A/4 B/3 Lent A
Psalm 96 Christmas Midnight - please ask Today is born our SaviorListen to Psalm 96 Christmas Midnight
Psalm 96 Midnight Alt - Please ask Today is born our SaviorListen to Psalm 96 Midnight Alt
Psalm 96 2 Sunday C - please ask Proclaim his marvellous deedsListen to Psalm 96 2 Sunday C
Psalm 96 29th Sunday A - please ask Give the Lord glory and honourListen to Psalm 96 29th Sunday A
Psalm 96 St Patrick - please ask Proclaim his marvellous deeds to all the nationsListen to Psalm 96 St Patrick
Psalm 97 Christmas Dawn - please ask A light will shine on us this dayListen to Psalm 97 Christmas Dawn
Psalm 97 7 Easter C - please ask The Lord is king the most high over all the earthListen to Psalm 97 7 Easter C
Psalm 97 Transfiguration ABC - please ask The Lord is king most high over all the earthListen to Psalm 97 Transfiguration ABC
Psalm 98 Christmas Day - please ask All the ends of the earth have seenListen to Psalm 98 Christmas Day
Psalm 98 Immaculate Conception Sing to the Lord a new songListen to Psalm 98 Immaculate Conception
Psalm 98 6th Easter B/28th C - please ask The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving powerListen to Psalm 98 6th Easter B/28th C
Psalm 98 33rd Sunday C - please ask The Lord comes to rule the earth with justiceListen to Psalm 98 33rd Sunday C
Psalm 100 4 Easter C/11th Sunday A - please ask We are his people the sheep of his flockListen to Psalm 100 4 Easter C
Psalm 103 Wedding I The Lord is kind and mercifulListen to Psalm 103 Wedding I
Psalm 103 Wedding II The Lord's kindness is everlastingListen to Psalm 103 Wedding II
Psalm 103 3rd Lent C - please ask The Lord is kind and mercifulListen to Psalm 103 3rd Lent C
Psalm 103 7th Sunday A/C - please ask The Lord is kind and mercifulListen to Psalm 103 7th Sunday A/C
Psalm 103 7 Easter B - please ask God mounts his throne to shouts of joyListen to Psalm 103 7 Easter B
Psalm 103 Sacred Heart A The Lord's kindness is everlasting to those who fear himListen to Psalm 103 Sacred Heart A
Psalm 103 24th Sunday A - please ask The Lord is kind and mercifulListen to Psalm 103 24th Sunday A
Psalm 104 Pentecost A - please ask Lord send out your spirit and renew the face of the earthListen to Psalm 104 Pentecost A
Psalm 104 Pentecost B/C - please ask Lord send out your spirit and renew the face of the earthListen to Psalm 104 Pentecost B/C
Psalm 104 Pentecost Vigil - please ask Lord send out your spirit and renew the face of the earthListen to Psalm 104 Pentecost Vigil
Psalm 104 Baptism of Our Lord C - please ask O Bless the Lord my soulListen to Psalm 104 Baptism of Our Lord C
Psalm 104 Easter Vigil I - please ask Lord send out your spirit and renew the face of the earthListen to Psalm 104 Easter Vigil I
Psalm 105 Holy Family B - please ask The Lord remembers his covenant for everListen to Psalm 105 Holy Family B
Psalm 107 12th Sunday B - please ask Give thanks to the Lord his love is everlastingListen to Psalm 107 12th Sunday B
Psalm 107 Pentecost Vigil - please ask Let the redeemed of the Lord sayListen to Psalm 107 Pentecost Vigil
Psalm 110 Corpus Christi C - please ask You are a priest for ever in the line of MelchizedekListen to Psalm 110 Corpus Christi C
Psalm 112 5th Sunday A The just man is a light in the darkness to the uprightListen to Psalm 112 5th Sunday A
Psalm 112 Wedding Blessed the man who greatly delights in the Lord's commandsListen to Psalm 112 Wedding
Psalm 113 Thanksgiving - please ask Blessed be the name of the Lord for everListen to Psalm 113 Thanksgiving
Psalm 113 25th Sunday C - please ask Praise the Lord who lifts up the poorListen to Psalm 113 25th Sunday C
>Psalm 116 2 Lent B - please ask I will walk before the Lord in the land of the livingListen to Psalm 116 2 Lent B
Psalm 116 Maundy Thursday - please ask Our blessing cup is a communionListen to Psalm 116 Maundy Thursday
Psalm 116 Corpus Christi B - please ask I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the LordListen to 116 Corpus Christi B
Psalm 116 24th B - please ask I will walk before the Lord in the land of the livingListen to Psalm 116 24th B
Psalm 117 21st Sunday C - please ask Go out to all the world and tell the good newsListen to Psalm 117 21st Sunday C
Psalm 118 Easter Vigil - please ask Alleluia Alleluia AlleluiaListen to Psalm 118 Easter Vigil
Psalm 118 Easter Sunday - please ask This is the day the Lord has madeListen to Psalm 118 Easter Sunday
Psalm 118 Easter 2 ABC - please ask Give thanks to the Lord for he is goodListen to Psalm 118 Easter 2 ABC
Psalm 118 Easter 4 B - please ask The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstoneListen to Psalm 118 Easter 4 B
Psalm 119 6th Sunday A - please ask Blessed are they who follow the law of the LordListen to Psalm 119 6th Sunday A
Psalm 119 17th Sunday A - please ask Lord I love your commandsListen to Psalm 119 17th Sunday A
Psalm 121 29th Sunday C - please ask Our help is from the Lord who made heaven and earthListen to Psalm 121 29th Sunday C
Psalm 122 34th Sunday C - please ask I rejoiced because they said to me we will go up to the house of the LordListen to Psalm 122 34th Sunday
Psalm 122 Advent 1 A - please ask Let us go rejoicing to the house of the LordListen to Psalm 122 1st Advent A
Psalm 123 14th Sunday B - please ask Our eyes are fixed on the Lord pleading for his mercyListen to Psalm 123 14th Sunday B
Psalm 126 30B/5 Lt C/2 Advent C The Lord has done great things for usListen to Psalm 126 30 B/5 Lt C/2 Advent C
Psalm 128 27th Sunday B - please ask May the Lord bless us all the days of our livesListen to Psalm 128 27th Sunday B
Psalm 128 Holy Family A - please ask Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his waysListen to Psalm 128 Holy Family A
Psalm 128 Wedding I/ 33rd A Blessed are those who fear the LordListen to Psalm 128 Wedding I/33rd A
Psalm 128 Wedding II See how the Lord blesses those who fear himListen to Psalm 128 Wedding II
Psalm 130 5 Lent A/10th Sunday B With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemptionListen to Psalm 130 5 Lent A/10th Sunday B
Psalm 131 31st Sunday A In you Lord I have found my peaceListen to Psalm 131 31st Sunday A
Psalm 132 Assumption Vigil - please ask Lord go up to the place of your restListen to Psalm 132 Assumption Vigil
Psalm 137 4 Lent B/Guardian Angels - please ask Let my tongue be silenced if I ever forget youListen to Psalm 137 4 Lent B/Guardian Angels - please ask
Psalm 137 4 Lent B in D Min - please ask Let my tongue be silenced if I ever forget youListen to Psalm 137 4 Lent B D min
Psalm 138 5th Sunday C - please ask In the sight of the angels I will sing your praisesListen to Psalm 138 5th Sunday C
Psalm 138 17th Sunday C - please ask Lord on the day I called for help you anwered meListen to Psalm 138 17th Sunday C
Psalm 138 21st Sunday A - please ask Lord your love is eternal do not forsake the work of your handsListen to Psalm 138 21st Sunday A
Psalm 138 Archangels - please ask In the sight of the angels I will sing your praises LordListen to Psalm 138 Archangels
Psalm 139 Guardian Angels - please ask Guide me Lord along the everlasting wayListen to Psalm 139 Guardian Angels
Psalm 139 John Baptist Birthday - please ask I praise you for I am wonderfully madeListen to Psalm 139 John Baptist Birthday
Psalm 145 17th Sunday B - please ask The hand of the Lord feeds usListen to Psalm 145 17th Sunday B - please ask
Psalm 145 5 Easter C - please ask I will praise your name for everListen to Psalm 145 5 Easter C
Psalm 145 31 C/14 A - please ask I will praise your name for ever my king and my GodListen to Psalm 145 31 C/14 A
Psalm 145 18th Sunday A - please ask The hand of the Lord feeds usListen to Psalm 145 18th Sunday A
Psalm 145 25th Sunday A - please ask The Lord is near to all who call upon himListen to Psalm 145 25th Sunday A
Psalm 145 Thanksgiving - please ask I will praise your name forever LordListen to Psalm 145 Thanksgiving
Psalm 145 Wedding The Lord is compassionate towards all his worksListen to Psalm 145 Wedding
Psalm 146 23rd Sunday B - please ask Praise the Lord my soulListen to Psalm 146 23rd Sunday B
Psalm 146 32nd Sunday B - please ask Praise the Lord my soulListen to Psalm 146 32nd Sunday B
Psalm 146 26th Sunday C - please ask Praise the Lord my soulListen to Psalm 146 26th Sunday C
Psalm 146 3rd Advent A - please ask Lord come and save usListen to Psalm 146 3rd Advent A
Psalm 146 4th Sunday A - please ask Blessed are the poor in spiritListen to Psalm 146 4th Sunday A
Psalm 147 5th Sunday B - please ask Praise the Lord who heals the broken-heartedListen to Psalm 147 5th Sunday B
Psalm 147 Corpus Christi - please ask Praise the Lord JerusalemListen to Psalm 147 Corpus Christi
Psalm 148 Wedding Let all praise the name of the LordListen to Psalm 148 Wedding

Music for the Canticles

PDFs and MP3s
Sheet MusicResponseSound
Daniel Canticle Trinity A - please ask Glory and praise for everListen to Daniel Canticle Trinity A
Daniel Canticle Pentecost Vigil - please ask Glory and praise for everListen to Daniel Canticle Pentecost Vigil
Exodus 15 Easter Vigil III - please ask Let us sing to the LordListen to Exodus 15 Easter Vigil III
Isaiah 12 Easter Vigil V/Sacred Heart B/Baptism B - please ask You will draw water joyfullyListen to Isaiah 12 Easter Vigil V/Sacred Heart B/Baptism B
Isaiah 12 3rd Advent C Cry out with joy and gladnessListen to Isaiah 12 3rd Advent C
Judith Canticle You are the highest honour of our raceListen to Judith Canticle
Magnificat 3rd Advent B - please ask My soul rejoices in my GodListen to Magnificat 3rd Advent B
Magnificat Presentation of the BVM I - please ask O Blessed Virgin MaryListen to Magnificat Presentation of the BVM I
Magnificat Presentation of the BVM II - please ask The Almighty has done great things for me and holy is his nameListen to Magnificat Presentation of the BVM II

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